Not a Real Horoscope: Pisces Edition


** Not a Real Horoscope is not based on astrology, but is inspired by the stars.**

Pisces: The 12th sign in the astrological calendar, signified by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Those born between February 19 - March 20 are said to be compassionate, gentle, artistic and wise. These highly emotionally intelligent beings are natural artists. Let’s see what’s in store for these fish beings in 2021.  

Like the all knowing, bad bitches Erykah Badu , Rihanna and megiapa, your highly intuitive nature has probably already brought you to great heights in life and although you haven’t accomplished everything don’t fret! Good things take time, remember Michaelangelo took 1,460 days to paint the Sistine Chapel.

When it comes to love, a little passion can go a long way this year, so don’t run from the lingering Smoke (y Robinson). Don’t be afraid to let your Bad Bunny loose in the bedroom, but remember to be careful not to Shaq up with those looking to take advantage of your kind and empathetic nature. Your psychic abilities might seem Common knowledge to you, but not everyone is an Albert Einstein of emotional intelligence. If you have found the peanut butter to your JELLY (No J), do hold off on making any long term decisions until after October.

2021 will be a (Mayweather) knockout year for you financially, so hold on! Just like Simon Biles, you’re going for all the gold! The beginning of your year will be filled with social and networking endeavors and you should be sure to invest time and energy into those around you as they will be helpful later. Late Spring and early Summer may prove to be arduous in terms of business and professional life, but like your fellow Piscean Chuck Norris, when life gives you lemons, you will squeeze them and make orange juice.

Overall, my dear Pisces, just like Tyler the Creator, you’re a dreamer and like Stephen Curry, you’re a winner, so dream big and go for it!

Other honorable & ethereal mentions: Quincy Jones, Earl Sweatshirt , Kurt Cobain , Steve Irwin, Justin Bieber, Spike Lee, Amanda Gorman  

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